Trigger Warning – if you are easily offended by profanity, do us both a favor and keep scrolling.
Since the indignation about the results of 2020’s election, I’ve seen a rise in popularity of cheaply made flags flown from peoples boats, homes, and front gates proudly proclaiming “Fuck Biden.” They are on main roads and there’s even one we drive past every day as I take my son to school. Hundreds of families with children of all ages drive past it every day.
Kinda strange, but what is this supposed to mean? I must have missed the memo because my interpretation is that they are bad sports and have trouble accepting reality. They apparently lack emotional maturity and hold a tenuous grip on themselves and societal norms. (And remember, this essay is my interpretation – I didn’t grow up here and I do not understand the logic in a lot of commonly accepted things here)
Which leads to another question – since when did this become socially acceptable? In the decade and a half I have been a mom, I have done my best to limit my child’s exposure to opinionated and vulgar sentiment. We talk about a lot of what he sees and hears on the news and at school. But I am especially wary when it’s random entitled rhetoric (sorry folks, just because you say so, doesn’t mean it is so – you just look crazy, and not the fun crazy either), but I can’t help but wonder, don’t they have children and grandchildren who can read? What’s the rhetoric at home? “No honey we don’t say that word but it’s ok to put it on a flag, fly it in the yard where thousands of people see it every day, and let everyone know we disrespect the president because we didn’t vote for him?” Or do they not say anything at all?
Is it suddenly ok to just proclaim “F*ck the president”? “F*ck the democratic process”? “F*ck respect”? “F*ck whatever”? Can we all print those flags and fly them freely? Or do we have to have one of those other flags with a snake on it and some sentiment about being stepped on….(Which raises a side question – Who is stepping on them? Is being stepped on an actual problem for these people?)
But I digress, back to the fuck flag flyers, how do they perceive their decision? Does it define who they are? Do they think they are being cool? Rebellious? Badass?
Don’t get me wrong I love the word fuck, it’s so expressive and versatile, I mean, it’s a noun, an adjective, and an adverb. It can be used as a modifier, an intransitive, or a transitive verb. It can be used to describe pleasure, pain, love, and hate. It’s a very flexible word, and it just feels good to say. Just between us, it’s one of my favorites.
But really, can we all start printing flags that say whatever it is we want fucked? “F*ck Mondays”? “F*ck Work”? “F*ck Inflation”? “F*ck Big Pharma”? “F*ck The NRA”? “F*ck Rich People”? “F*ck the rain”? F*ck the heat”? “F*ck Covid”? “F*ck this”? “F*ck that”? The possibilities are endless!
Can we do that?
We could, but we don’t because we know it’s wrong. (And stupid and immature and pointless and who has time for that anyway??!)
There are a hundred shades of right, but everyone knows what’s wrong, and proclaiming “fuck the president” is wrong. It shows a lack of respect and common decency.
News Flash: As we move through life things are not always going to go our way. The better lesson is learning how to suck it up. How to be gracious in defeat. Just because you are the loudest and the biggest bully, doesn’t mean you are right. And just because you are the rudest and most disrespectful that also does not mean you are right. Why do people think it’s the loudest, rudest, and stupidest that should just be right?
I feel like I’m missing the alternate reality book of life according to these people. I don’t know where to find it, nor am I interested.
I am definitely not interested in following the agenda of an entitled rich orange dude who speaks in circles of nonsense pushing hate and division. Whose desire for attention leads to the most ridiculous hateful insane comments.
Turns out most of the country isn’t interested either. As proven at the polls.
I’m glad my son is now a teen, and we can discuss these things rather than me trying to distract him every time we are approaching one of these flags.
It’s not cool to be rude and disrespectful because you didn’t vote for someone.
And it’s not ok to print flags cursing the president because your version of reality doesn’t line up with the majority.
Yes, we all have the capability to be crass and rude and loud and in your face, but we choose not to be. I think this is often forgotten. After all, people are only as civilized as their leaders – this includes coaches, politicians, school boards, homeowners associations, influencers, anchor people on t.v. parents, clergy, and everyone in between.
But imagine for a moment if everybody pushed their particular views the way the f*ck flag flyers do.
We’d all be fucked.
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