Strong-Willed Children.

My son is very strong-willed, just like his dad, and me. It’s tough because we live in a world where strong wills are seen as a good thing until that child must fit in somewhere. Like school or church or sports teams. My strong-willed son has never responded well to...

Course Correction.

I used to think that if I could not stick to a plan and see it through, that meant I could not follow through, or finish anything. And that I was lazy and had no drive. This belief was reinforced by false narratives I heard from the adults around me as I was growing...

Not Ready for Gray Hair.

I am an accepting person by nature, I feel I lived enough and had enough experience and perspective to let the things I cannot change just be, things like other people’s beliefs, bureaucratic processes, the weather, aging, and situations out of our control – I simply...

Just Do Your Job. Teen ESL Short Story.

Genre: Fiction Subject: Nonfeasance by Authorities Nation-X Just Do Your Job Nonfeasance. Peter Kangas witnesses a police chase in which the police vehicle in pursuit does not stop to assist after the suspect’s car causes an accident. Officer Kieran made the decision...

Real Beauty is Depth

We live in a youth and beauty-focused culture. We have been brainwashed by advertising (mainly) and TV to value youth over substance. When you name it, it sounds so strange. That our western culture holds such superficiality to be the pinnacle of admiration and...