Chicken or Egg?

Chicken or Egg?

Honesty is such a lonely word, turns out Billy Joel wasn’t kidding. Like most things, that can be taken several ways depending on your personal narrative, and I believe the majority of that song is about honesty in intimate relationships. But it is so relatable...
Rooming With Mom.

Rooming With Mom.

I’ve noticed something recently that I find touching. Maybe it has always been around, but I’ve never noticed, which is usually the way isn’t it? So many things exist and because they aren’t on our radar, the situation doesn’t exist.  Anyway, it’s the occurrence...
Life is a Bus Ride.

Life is a Bus Ride.

There is a popular song that’s been remade a few times called Life Is A Highway, and I agree with the road analogy, but actually, I think life is more of a bus ride. When I was a teen, I loved talking to people, my friends mainly,  sitting somewhere at night...
The Right Fit.

The Right Fit.

When I was a kid my mother loved tennis, so in the hopes of sharing her love for that sport with us, we belonged to the local tennis club too, and we took Saturday morning lessons, tennis tournaments on random evenings, and tennis camps in the summer. My sister was...
The Least Christmassy Christmas.

The Least Christmassy Christmas.

It’s 4 days before Christmas, and I don’t know about you, but I’m just not feeling it this year. With the combination of international travel on the near horizon, limited budget, a pay snafu,  gray weather, and a teenager whose favorite thing to say at the moment...