
My Blog

As a writer, I have plenty of observations. So many, I just can’t help but share them all, feel free to scroll through my thoughts, maybe you can relate…

From where I sit

The Wisdom in Doing the Things I Hate the Least.

The Wisdom in Doing the Things I Hate the Least.

Now that I have walked the earth long enough to have lived several different lives and experienced multiple lifestyles, (along with my strong self-evaluation streak) I have an irrefutable perspective on prioritizing happiness over mere survival. I don't know whether...

In Search Of The Key.

In Search Of The Key.

A thing I like about living longer is that at last, I have arrived at what I believe to be a balanced view of life. I’ve experienced and lived enough lives and played multiple parts in different realities of various socio-economic scenes that I’ve come to understand a...

The Times How They Change.

The Times How They Change.

So here’s a seldom acknowledged, not freely talked about issue in marriages:  In marriage and relationships, once the children arrive things are irrevocably altered between the adults. Well duh…you’d hope things would be altered, bringing another human in the...

Latest Posts

Favorite Things.

Favorite Things.

I’ve got a question for you, I bet it’s one you don’t think about often - What's your favorite kitchen utensil/tool? What could you not live without?  Think about it, take all the time you need. Anyone who prepares food in a kitchen, has a favorite knife, mixing...

Online Dating and Other Tales.

So how do you meet someone new? That brings me to online dating, I was super hesitant, thinking I could just meet someone “organically”…you know, during the natural course of my days…except oh wait, my life is pretty routine and insular, there is not a lot of hanging out or socializing in the company of strangers these days. 

Can Women and Men Be Friends?

I have a genuine question. In your reality, can men and women be friends?  As a kid, I had a mixed group of friends, I went to boy’s as well as girl’s birthday parties, and right through my teenage years, I was part of a solid mixed group of friends - most of...

Personal Dumping Grounds.

I grew up in a country where it was drummed into us as school children that we lived in a clean green country. And, for the most part, it was. I remember at school, a popular punishment was to make you walk around the school grounds picking up trash at lunchtime,...

Beware of “Family.”

I’ve noticed an unusual pattern amongst random friends over the years. Usually, the ones I’ve only known for a short time and we’re still in the “are these people real friends or is there some ulterior motive I’m missing” phase.  They're the ones who say things...

The Journey of Improving Oneself.

I don’t know about you, but I love self-improvement. The idea that I can change my thoughts and outlook and as a result, my life is exciting to me.  I have been a fan since I first stumbled upon a well-worn copy of the Louise Hay classic “You Can Heal Your Life”...

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