
My Blog

As a writer, I have plenty of observations. So many, I just can’t help but share them all, feel free to scroll through my thoughts, maybe you can relate…

From where I sit

The Joy of Navigating the Absurdity of Modern Business.

The Joy of Navigating the Absurdity of Modern Business.

I can’t help but notice these days how difficult it is to get a human on the phone when trying to sort out anything to do with any type of account you may have, (which is excessive anyway, the fact that almost everything requires you to have an account to use or...

The Art of Satisfaction. An Open Letter to Myself.

The Art of Satisfaction. An Open Letter to Myself.

Ah, satisfaction - that elusive thing we all chase like a cat after a laser pointer. It's the warm fuzzy feeling that wraps around you like a blanket on a cold winter day or the sweet taste of success that's better than your favorite cookie recipe.  But what is...

Latest Posts

Terrible in Photos.

Terrible in Photos.

I have a dubious talent; I look terrible in almost every photo I’m in.  Please note, I am not saying, “I think I look terrible.” I know I look terrible. Almost every photo I’m part of is the proverbial driver's license photo for me.   But I think it’s funny...

No More Thank You’s?

No More Thank You’s?

There is a house down the road that has about four or five small dogs of various breeds, I think it’s four, you know the ones: yappy and nippy, and when they run around they could easily be mistaken for leaves, blowing this way and that with no direction to speak of. ...

Strong Women.

Strong Women.

I was talking to a friend recently and he mentioned that as he was from a predominantly male family, and now raising two sons of his own, he was acutely aware of the toxic masculinity that has been such a big part of his life and upbringing. It did not feel...

The Unthinkable.

The Unthinkable.

Recently, as an up-and-coming writer, I did the unthinkable. After almost a year of consistently posting on my blog, I stopped writing and posting for a month. Four posts were missed. New writer trying to establish herself suicide right?  Or so I’ve been led to...

On Being Nice.

On Being Nice.

Presently, my “day” job is rental applications coordinator for a real estate company.  I work in a chill office environment with two other ladies and we do our thing and get on. We enjoy an easygoing and professional workspace - not interested in drama, no thank...



So here's a legitimate question for all my glasses-wearing readers; how long until you get used to having glasses as a permanent fixture on your face and in your life?  I was prescribed glasses a few years ago, for reading at first. I had started to notice at...

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