Here’s something that has been on my mind a lot these last 12 months or so, especially with COVID and travel and countries shut down and plans on hold. And especially with noticing many of my friends/acquaintances/family members choosing to take the anti-vax stance with surprisingly emotional declarations of doom and gloom for those who choose to be vaccinated.
My own personal view (which is the one that obviously means the most to me) is that we all have access to the same information, via the internet. So, we all have the tools to gather our own information on any one topic. I trust and respect that you consider the information that works for you and make the best decision for yourself and your family, and all I ask is that the same respect is offered in return, that I have access to as much information as you do, and I am completely capable of coming to the decision that is right for my family.
I have noticed that the part about you making decisions for yourself is good, but it’s that second bit, about you respecting that I have access to the same info and can make the best decision for my family that seems to get a little squirrely.
For whatever reason, because I’m not vocal about my views, this is interpreted as ignorance. So, they see themselves as educators and bombard me with crazy-ass conspiracy theories and stories from people who lost their medical licenses for some noble reason, all of which I should ignore. No thank you, I do not have the time or inclination or the energy to go down that rabbit hole with you. Just. not. doing. it.
To be fair I love a good conspiracy theory, UFOs, and aliens mainly…there is so much that goes on in this world that we know nothing about. How can we? Seriously, how can we expect to know the true story about anything, except that which affects our day-to-day lives…whether or not it’s raining for example, or an event for your kid’s school or whether you have a work meeting, need dog food, etc. And even then (besides the weather) most of the time it’s subjective.
But the COVID anti-vax fear is strong and gripping, and to be fair I did take a minute to check out some of the info I have been sent, but it didn’t seem right, it was filled with speculation and sensational stories with no evidence – people are dropping dead on sports fields? Where is this happening? I need names, dates, and places. At least one. So, I did my own research and found information to the contrary. Information with research and statistics and numbers. Information with a solid basis in science. Despite my esoteric, and spiritual beliefs, I also believe in science.
Which started my own conspiracy theory…what if, instead of the “new world order” culling the population with these fake vaccines, it was the other way round? What if governments and big pharma had access to info that showed that if left unchecked the COVID virus would be the thing that grew in strength and variations and that was the thing that would cull the population of the world? And what if the governments knew and that’s why they rushed the vaccine and made it free, and set mandates about vaccines and vaccine status? What if the people pushing the anti-vax idea at the very base, were the ones wanting to diminish the world’s population? What if? We don’t know.
Also, what if world governments developed the vaccine and then didn’t tell anyone? What if they made it really expensive? Would that in turn also provoke a similar reaction? Loud protests and flooding the internet with “experts” pointing out that it was all a secret agenda to diminish the population of the earth?
And my next question is, the people that are so upset by vaccine mandates, are they upset because they are being told they MUST do something so are just rebelling in general? Or are they against this vaccination?
I realize I am simplifying the argument somewhat, but from where I sit, this is what it boils down to. And personally, all I come back to is science.
Science. I trust it more than I trust people who are very emotional about their thoughts and feelings. I know from experience when people are emotional about things they are very easily influenced. And, like all of us, have a tendency to latch on to the “findings” and “ideals” that fit into their worldview.
I also know some things big pharma has done is/are/were pretty shady, but I also know scientists go to school for years to get their degrees and study and learn in their field of expertise, and they continually question their own research and look for evidence.
It seems there is no common ground anymore, not a whole lot of understanding or tolerance. And a lot of “it’s my way or the highway,” when did we all become so divisive?
This is obviously another question for another time, but today, your vaccination thoughts and status are none of my business.