Stickybeaks and Nosy Parkers.

Stickybeaks and Nosy Parkers.

There was a hot topic of conversation in our house this weekend, it was: “why does everyone take stuff so personally and then try to involve everyone else to make something that was not their concern in the first place suddenly the main thing for everyone?”  My...
Rooming With Mom.

Rooming With Mom.

I’ve noticed something recently that I find touching. Maybe it has always been around, but I’ve never noticed, which is usually the way isn’t it? So many things exist and because they aren’t on our radar, the situation doesn’t exist.  Anyway, it’s the occurrence...
Life is a Bus Ride.

Life is a Bus Ride.

There is a popular song that’s been remade a few times called Life Is A Highway, and I agree with the road analogy, but actually, I think life is more of a bus ride. When I was a teen, I loved talking to people, my friends mainly,  sitting somewhere at night...
Rage Cleaning.

Rage Cleaning.

Even though I’ve been doing it unconsciously for years, I must say I’ve become aware of how valuable rage cleaning is in my life lately. The satisfaction of completing some menial sucky task while my heart and mind process some big emotions is something I have gained...