Why Do We Think It Should All Be Easy?

I was talking with one of my nephew’s friends recently (he’s 22), and while discussing the latest crazy crap going on in the world and our lives, (mainly his), it occurred to me, that we were griping about stuff as if it was completely out of the ordinary, unexpected,...

Chapters Closing. A Poem.

So, at last, this chapter is closing, In conjunction with the skies, These relationships so deep and strong Are finally loosening ties. Yet there is no emotion, Left in my heart or head All heartbreak, and disappointed tears, Have many times been shed. The years of...

Personal Responsibility & Self Improvement.

So, it seems I have a man-repelling superpower, any time I want to find out if some guy is just interested in getting into my pants or getting into my head, I throw this out there:    I love self-improvement. Works like a charm, and it’s almost humorous how quickly...

Partner Stealing.

In the last decade or so of my life, I have witnessed how immature and emotionally unintelligent people can be. There may have been huge amounts of alcohol involved. And not consumed by me. But it has shown me that there is a surprising number of conniving women and...

Short Story: Clouds

Genre: Fiction Subject: Mental Health Nation-X Clouds by Bridget May CHAPTER 1: A Dark Cloud Heidi Hipp took the last box of photos out of the wardrobe and put it on the bed, she couldn’t believe she had so many old photos! It really was time to get rid of all this...